If you have extra dildos lying around and don’t know what to do with them, you lead a more interesting life than me. Still, this is a problem that apparently happens to some people — and it’s not as easy to solve as you might think.

The materials that compose sex toys often aren’t easy to recycle. As a result, those suffering from sex-toy overload typically find themselves at a loss as to how they can dispose of their toys (provided that they couldn’t get the lovely people at r/UsedSexToys to take it off their hands).

Some of these folks decide that they’re going to give them to thrift stores. Now, the thrift stores have a message: Please don’t.

Volunteers for the U.K. children’s charity thrift store chain Barnardo’s recently put out a statement begging the butt-plugged among us not to donate their pre-loved goods. In a post shared to social media and reposted by Wales Online, the volunteers politely asked those considering donation to search through their piles and ensure that nothing in there is too hot to handle.

“We ask that you refrain from donating your used and unused marital aids,” the group wrote in the post, allegedly made after the store received “adult toys” in a recent donation.

The reason for this concern is not only “ew, gross,” but also that there are people of all ages working for the charity. By not donating sex toys, workers are spared the experience of having to explain what a Rabbit is, or attempt to lay out why some people want to bang the Demogorgon from Stranger Things. “Please be mindful that we are a CHILDRENS CHARITY and as such we have a range of ages on our wonderful volunteer team,” detailed the volunteers.

If you think you might be able to slip a Ben Wa ball into your donation anyway, think again. The volunteers are quick to remind potential donors that “the branch has CCTV so that these items can be traced back to their owners.”

That said, there are plenty of uses for old sex toys that don’t involve traumatizing a teenager — try some of them for yourself today!